Developing Craft Skills and Working with Audio.
Workshop Descriptor
Mary Murphy Technical Area: Animation Studios Technical Instructor: Mary Murphy Group: MA 1 and Erasmus 2015 Module UADAQY-45-1 Introduction to Animation Location Fourth Floor 4B03 and 4B02 Maximum Numbers: 12 Times of workshops: 10.00 AM -1.00 PM Dates and Group information: Tuesday 27th Jan 2015 |
Key processes/Technologies covered
Associated Module Outcomes UADAQY-45-1 Introduction to Animation
Technical Learning Objectives:
This workshop introduces students to two key strategies in planning and making animated sequences. Firstly, the concept of non destructive “replacement” animation is explained through lecture and demonstration. Students are then taken step by step through the process of preparing wav files for audio sync in stop motion pro. The brief has been designed to extend their knowledge of the technical and practical set up, as it requires a slightly more advanced knowledge and levels of confidence in relation to both the software and studio furniture. The main aim is to introduce a more conceptually complex/less prescriptive exercise, and observe how well students engage with the more practical, logistical and technical aspects of stop motion production while also working towards a more conceptually challenging outcome. Every opportunity will be taken to reinforce key aspects of studio practice and production strategy. This workshop will cover the following key topics:
New language and Vocational terms introduced Destructive and non destructive technique – replacement animation – repeat shapes – registration – Audio Sync – Wav file – Audio Footprint - Performance |