Animation Studio Users Policy 2018-2019
In order to ensure that the animation studio functions as a suitable working environment for all users, the equipment and space must be managed. It is the role of technical instructors George Rumney (Traditional Techniques) and Libby Bass (Digital Techniques) to manage and coordinate equipment and resources in order to ensure a professional, safe and functioning studio facility. As a student, you also have a responsibility to manage your use of these facilities. The following is a short list of operational policies, which you must follow in order to keep the studios functioning, safe and efficient for everyone.
All aspects of studio access and coordination are managed by the technical instructors. In your first year, open access studio space is available to you and there is a booking system in place to help you to plan your independent studio access around timetabled teaching and production allocation. (Connect 2) You do not need to book a workstation in advance, but we strongly advise that you do, as when you log in to the booking system you will clearly see which workstations have already been booked and which rooms are being used for formal teaching. The stop motion stations are very flexible, and are used by a wide range of students for a number of different activities. Equally, there is a wide range of digital equipment for you to use. When you are trained and confident in using the equipment they can be accessed on a “drop in” basis for quick tests. However, if you are planning an ambitious sequence early in semester one, or you are not confidant in using the stations you will need help and advice from a technical instructor in setting up both the equipment and any artwork you have made. We cannot respond to "drop in" need therefore please e-mail the appropriate instructor to negotiate a support session prior to your planned studio activity. Some of our studio spaces must be semi lit when students are shooting, and all of them are very busy at peak times. There is a limited amount of space for storage of on-going project work, personal belongings etc. This means that space is very tight, and there is limited storage. For health and safety reasons the storage and management of your own tools, materials and artwork must be negotiated through the senior technical instructor in advance, and you are asked not to simply leave ongoing project work on tables, floors etc. without discussing your storage needs with an instructor. Your work and tools will be removed if they are creating a risk or preventing another individual from using a resource or workstation. This is also the case with bags and personal belongings. The Animation building, floor and individual technical studios are accessed via a swipe card system. You will need your student card with you at all times in order to gain access to the facilities. This is for obvious security reasons. If you have forgotten your card, you can ask another student or staff member to swipe you in. You must not prop or wedge doors open, and you should not loan your student card to anyone. Every workstation in the testing and training spaces is a shared resource, and cannot be ring fenced or “held” for a specific student if they are not in attendance. In addition, these stations must at times function as teaching spaces. This means that there are periods of time when workshops and taught sessions will be taking place, and access is restricted to those students attending the session. All other students must leave for the duration of the session. Checking the timetables on the doors or booking your studio time in advance on connect 2 will allow you to avoid clashes with timetabled sessions and help you to plan your time effectively. Workshop activity will decrease as the semester progresses. There are currently 80-100 other full time animation students also using the studios and all of the production deadlines occur within the same three-week period at the end of the semester. The animation process requires a great deal of concentration, and while it is not appropriate to impose a rule of total silence in the studios, we would ask that you are sensitive to other users. Headphones should be used when playing audio clips, mobile phones should be turned down, and lengthy conversations should take place outside. Please do not use the studios as a space to chat and socialise in, and do not encourage students from other courses to hang out in the rooms. While it is generally acceptable to check e-mails and social networking sites when working in the studios, please do not take up a valuable computer workstation at busy times simply to access to social networking sites/football results/spotify etc. You may be asked to vacate if another student needs computer access for animation production. Never attempt to repair, unplug or move any piece of equipment without consulting your technical instructor first. There are obvious health and safety issues to be considered, but also bear in mind that the animation instructor needs to be in control of the resource. Software and equipment is often located strategically to manage a limited resource, and instructors may not be able to resolve issues immediately. The technical instructors are contracted to work full time, but we may not be available to help at short notice should you need advice or support. Your instructors are heavily timetabled and have very little “free” time during the day, so on occasion, be prepared to wait for facilitation with equipment. Students are not permitted to eat or smoke in the Animation studio. All hot beverages in open or lidded cups, flasks and travel drinking mugs are banned. Screw cap drinks such as bottled water, juice etc. are permitted, but these must be kept tightly lidded and stored in a bag or pocket at all times. A "will it spill" poster on the door of every studio will clarify those containers which are permitted, and those that increase the risk of electric shock, damage to equipment and slips and falls. If you attempt to bring coffee/tea etc. into any of the technical studios at any time, or if you are found to be using an open container you will be asked to remove it. Please do so promptly. This rule applies to both students and staff. Please note that there is no equipment loans system in the animation studios, and all of the equipment, tools and studio furniture have been provided for the use of students using the appropriate studio. Students are not permitted to remove any items for their own use. This extends to every single item placed in these rooms. There are a number of high cost items that must be left available for students in the studios (Graphics tablets and pens, cameras, computers, grip equipment, studio punches, keyboards and mice) and removing any of these items is very definitely considered stealing, and will result in prosecution by the college. There are also a number of low cost items (peg bars, lamps, scissors, cutting mats and extension cables) if you remove these, you (or in extreme cases, your group) will be barred from the studios until the items have been returned or replaced. Remember, there are security cameras in all of the animation studios and on all of the buildings on site. There is an equipment loan system run through the central loans desk on the ground floor of G Block, and an exceptionally well stocked art supplies shop in B Block for your needs outside of the studios and lecture rooms. Media specific equipment (such as lights, tripods, light boxes etc.) is available through the connect two booking system on completion of the appropriate workshop, so check that these key workshops appear on your timetable. All studio users are expected to be respectful and considerate of other users. Any unacceptable activity or behaviour will be challenged, and students will be asked to leave if their actions are considered inappropriate. |