Lighting and Rendering Techniques in Maya
ACE – Technical Workshop Descriptor
BA2 - Introductory session - Principals of lighting and rendering techniques using Maya, and the Deadline render farm.
Technical Instruction Area:
Technical Learning Objectives:
Within the context of the digital 3D production paradigm, this workshop will focus on lighting and rendering for the Maya producer/director. Through demonstration and a short practical exercise, students have the opportunity to explore the similarities in real world lighting, virtual lighting (Depth mapped and Raytraced) in the Maya environment and rendering strategies including using the networked render farm, and exploration of the different renders inherent within Maya.
Academic Programme/Level/Workshop code:
Animation /BA 2
Room Number: 2G11, 1G05
Maximum Numbers Possible: 15
BA2 - Introductory session - Principals of lighting and rendering techniques using Maya, and the Deadline render farm.
Technical Instruction Area:
Technical Learning Objectives:
Within the context of the digital 3D production paradigm, this workshop will focus on lighting and rendering for the Maya producer/director. Through demonstration and a short practical exercise, students have the opportunity to explore the similarities in real world lighting, virtual lighting (Depth mapped and Raytraced) in the Maya environment and rendering strategies including using the networked render farm, and exploration of the different renders inherent within Maya.
Academic Programme/Level/Workshop code:
Animation /BA 2
Room Number: 2G11, 1G05
Maximum Numbers Possible: 15
Workshop Content 1:
On attending this session, students should have a greater awareness of the basic principals of Maya lighting and will have been given an in-depth approach to rendering in Maya.
Duration of Workshop: 1 day
On attending this session, students should have a greater awareness of the basic principals of Maya lighting and will have been given an in-depth approach to rendering in Maya.
Duration of Workshop: 1 day