Introduction to Weebly
(On this module, Mary will have registered you as a student, and set up your submission website with the correct name and URL. Your username and password will be on Blackboard and she will also have e-mailed it to you.
Registration is free, but make sure that you make note of your e-mail address and password for the next time you wish to make changes or add information. Click on the image below to access the student log in page.
Please click on the images below to access three other helpful resources .
Mary's top ten tips for using weebly
1) Before you plan the website of your dreams play, practice and experiment in a low risk way.(The tea website is perfect for this)
2) Everyone will tell you to keep it simple, but you can use a hidden page to hold a lot of unedited content, as long as the main pages/tabs that are visible are organised, and users are clearly linked in to those pages.
3) Use the "hide from menu" function to keep unfinished or ongoing work hidden until you are ready to share. Users will be put off using a resource if there are too many blind alleys and dead links.
4) If you have been asked to make a website for your main module also don't try to make one website work for every module or submission. It takes a little
discipline, but you can easily manage three or four different sites which are specific to particular modules.
5) Try to avoid using the site as a "blog" in the truest sense of the word (an unedited, unfiltered analogue "diary" of events) and focus on what you are being asked to demonstrate instead. (Your assessment)
6) Publish Publish Publish! Keep checking links, files and content as you go. It can get very messy very quickly if you miss out on a step or link to the wrong file.
7) Keep your eyes on the function of the site - ask your tutor to show you some examples from previous years, and begin to recognize if its more of a Digital Sketchbook, screening site or reflective journal as opposed to Blog website or online portfolio.
8) Make sure that you establish with your tutor if the design of the site is an assessed outcome. If you are being marked on the content only you cant afford to waste time playing with fonts and themes and cluttering up the interface with unnecessary whistles and bells.
9) Assessment of web based work is done during a formal "live presentation" at the end of the module. Your tutors will mark it as it is presented on the day, so make sure that it has been updated and checked through.
10) Keep all password and login information carefully. Put it on your phone or tablet, and write it down in a secure spot.
2) Everyone will tell you to keep it simple, but you can use a hidden page to hold a lot of unedited content, as long as the main pages/tabs that are visible are organised, and users are clearly linked in to those pages.
3) Use the "hide from menu" function to keep unfinished or ongoing work hidden until you are ready to share. Users will be put off using a resource if there are too many blind alleys and dead links.
4) If you have been asked to make a website for your main module also don't try to make one website work for every module or submission. It takes a little
discipline, but you can easily manage three or four different sites which are specific to particular modules.
5) Try to avoid using the site as a "blog" in the truest sense of the word (an unedited, unfiltered analogue "diary" of events) and focus on what you are being asked to demonstrate instead. (Your assessment)
6) Publish Publish Publish! Keep checking links, files and content as you go. It can get very messy very quickly if you miss out on a step or link to the wrong file.
7) Keep your eyes on the function of the site - ask your tutor to show you some examples from previous years, and begin to recognize if its more of a Digital Sketchbook, screening site or reflective journal as opposed to Blog website or online portfolio.
8) Make sure that you establish with your tutor if the design of the site is an assessed outcome. If you are being marked on the content only you cant afford to waste time playing with fonts and themes and cluttering up the interface with unnecessary whistles and bells.
9) Assessment of web based work is done during a formal "live presentation" at the end of the module. Your tutors will mark it as it is presented on the day, so make sure that it has been updated and checked through.
10) Keep all password and login information carefully. Put it on your phone or tablet, and write it down in a secure spot.