You may habe noticed the recent changes to the layout and usage of 4B05. This room has been used for a number of years as a student production studio for traditional animation. More recently is has been used to house our five new cintique drawing stations. The cintiques have proved so popular that we are hoping to purchase some more for roll out next semester, and we intend to increase that number significantly in 2015-2016. 4B05 has also often been used at quiet times as a drop in tutorial space, and on occasion a general meeting room for group discussions and seminars. The technical team has noticed that this can get a bit frustrating for students who need exclusive access equipment in that space. We have decided to move the cintique machines in to 4B18 to ensure that you will be able to access them day or night. 4B05 will now be a permanent small tutorial/seminar/meeting room used by your academic staff. They are (as I type!) setting up some large viewing screens and computers in there to allow you to show your work for group tutorials and advice on animatics, editing etc. |